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Wood treatment

Деревянная дверь, изготовление

At your service are different types of decorative effects that will definitely make your floors exquisite and unique. Valuable wood species is the natural material  which can successfully emphasize your interior.

Classic way of decorative wood treatment is toning in the color needed and a complex of works on its aging. To achieve this we use brushing, patining, scraping, sawing and much more.

Types of wood treatment


Scraping off soft fibers off the wood surface using special instruments (brushes)—as a result, you get a textured surface. The finishing depth can range from barely noticeable to prominent (2–3 mm).

Our factory is modern equipped allowing us to brush the wood at different levels of intensity. 

Эффект браширование
Браш, декоративная обработка
Поверхность, покрытая брашем


Noble tarnishing which imitates natural muddiness that appears in the wood cavities over time.The patina gives a unique contrast for the natural material.

Патина на дереве
Патина, обработка древесины
Обработка патинированием


The whole plank surface is covered in prominent uneven waves. This wavy texture decorating the parquet makes it appear deep and voluminous.

Строгание, массивная доска
Строганная доска


The wooden surface is covered in shallow transversal cuts. This finishing type is performed using a band saw. Small furrows create an uneven textured surface which reflects the sunlight effectively.

Эффект пиления
Пиление, массивная доска
Массивная доска с пилением


A complex process of creating artificial defects and dimming spots on the parquet surface. Imitation of aged wood through its mechanical processing and further covering with different coloring chemicals.

To give the wood antique appearance, the subsequent color treatment (toning or patining) technique is usually used. Wood aging is one of the most fashionable and demanded methods in the decorative processing of parquet.

Старение дерева
Состаренная доска
Червоточина на массивной доске

Color matching

It's no secret that when buying a floor covering, it`s quite difficult to choose the right shade, which will be harmoniously combined with other elements of your interior.

Our color laboratory designs the color according to the customer's sample. It`s a great opportunity to create the right atmosphere and original style of your room. We are proud to offer you many types of toning that preserve the natural beauty of wood texture, and the dyes that impart brightness and contrast to the floor covering.

Покрытие массивной доски

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